
Statement on recent developments in Libya:

Mr. Mansour Aati, a civil society activist and director of the Civil Society Commission branch as well as the Libyan Red Crescent branch in Ajdabiya

DAAM Support Centre is following with great concern the kidnappings and torture that occurred during the last period in Libya, specifically in the eastern region. These acts have recently been aggravated by the abduction of Mr. Mansour Aati, a civil society activist and director of the Civil Society Commission branch as well as the Libyan Red Crescent branch in Ajdabiya, from his home. According to the available information, the latter was driven to the city of Benghazi. Thus, we demand that the security and military authorities in the eastern region clarify Mansour’s location and unveil the suspicious facts behind his kidnapping. We request that the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, the European Union in Libya, as well as the rest of the international organizations continue to pressure the security authorities to uncover the fate of Mansour Aati and the rest of the detainees in Libyan prisons.

Additionally, DAAM Centre condemns torture operations inflicted on Ms. Malak Muhammad Al-Khafaj, who was a subject to a video broadcast which contains sad scenes that are in contradiction to all norms, human rights charters and human values. The video demonstrates the shaving of the girl’s head by an outlaw group in the absence of an accountability measures including an investigation against the felons. 

Mr. Akram Najjar, Director of the Libya Program at DAAM, stated: 

The Democratic Transition and Human Rights’ Support Centre reminds all those who proceed or cogitate of initiating such crimes that justice will be served as they will be punished as such crimes are imprescriptible.
DAAM centre also calls on the international community and the international and European support missions based Libya to work and cooperate with the Libyans, by sticking to the dates of the elections in December 2021, and not compromising or spoiling the results of the national dialogue.

Daam Center

Libya office
Phone :  +218 91 97 422 57
Tunisia Office
14 Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan Street, Alan Safari-1003-Tunisia
Phone : +216 71 89 16 75

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